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Conteco Business Case

Apprentices for Sustainability

UNESCO had designated Copenhagen as the World Architectural Capital in 2023, with the theme of sustainable construction.

Denmark’s most sustainable youth housing was the vocational schools’ contribution to the UIA 2023 CPH exhibition, showcased during the Architecture Capital 2023 event in Copenhagen.

The name of this pilot project was ‘Apprentices for Sustainability’.

Conteco Concrete’s MK solution was chosen as the most sustainable bathroom construction.

conteco, conteco beton, conteco erhverv, beton gulv, microcement


The construction industry accounts for 40% of all energy-related climate impact, and even craftsmen who wish to take responsibility for their industry’s environmental impact often lack the skills to make a difference.

A group of apprentice carpenters took the initiative to address this issue. This led to a wide collaboration around the pilot project ‘Apprentices for Sustainability,’ which aimed to explore how the 17 Sustainable Development Goals could be translated into action within the carpentry education in Copenhagen.

As part of this pilot project, several vocational schools collaborated with a knowledge center to develop and construct a 1:1 model of a 25 sqm youth housing unit, representing the vocational schools’ vision of the most sustainable youth housing.

The housing unit was intended to be exhibited in Copenhagen during UIA 2023 CPH, which took place in July 2023.


Out of the 25 sqm youth housing unit, 3 sqm constituted a wet room.

Conteco was invited to be partners in providing waterproofing for the wet room and the final surface treatment for both the floor and walls, as we, in conjunction with the ARDEX TRICOM wet room system and the Conteco Concrete product line, hold an MK approval for wet rooms.

With a total buildup of 2 mm on top of a wooden structure, this solution was deemed Denmark’s most sustainable comprehensive wet room solution by VIHDA – the Videnscenter for Håndværk – Design & Arkitektur – in collaboration with NextKBH.

conteco, conteco beton, conteco erhverv, beton gulv, microcement
conteco, conteco beton, conteco erhverv, beton gulv, microcement


A sustainable wet room solution with a thickness of just 2 mm and a finish featuring color variation, beautiful tonal shifts, and sharp edges.

Geography: Copenhagen K
Area: 3 sqm
Substrate: ARDEX TRICOM wet room system applied on the substrate in accordance with ETA-11/0282
Shade: Dusty Rose 5g per kg on the walls, Dusty Rose 50g per kg on the floor in Conteco Concrete

Do you want to talk?

We can discuss your company’s needs for renewal and surface renovation, and how Conteco can assist with a potential solution.

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Apprentices for Sustainability

Conteco Concrete's MK solution was selected as the most sustainable bathroom construction for UIA 2023


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